Wednesday, April 13, 2011

If I'm Honest....

I have totally fell off the band wagon.

I ate pizza tonight from Costco (sooooo good, but soooooo processed and un-natural).  I haven't planned a meal in weeks.  I made chicken drumsticks when a our group from church came over and it was an epic slimy fail (buffalo wings are supposed to be crispy, not gooey).  Our bedroom is a MESS.  I mean, a complete HOT MESS.  It really is.  I haven't vacuumed it in... Um, okay so I'm being honest which means I can't remember!  David said he found a hairball (my hair, clumping up on the carpet because I haven't vacuumed in forever).  The laundry is like halfway up the side of the wall and creeping towards the ceiling and our bathroom is disgusting.  I haven't spent time in God's word... Opening the word to read a few sentences so I don't feel guilty about not following through on my goal is legalistic and no where near what the goal intended to accomplish.  I haven't even started the last hot spot of project simplify (which now I have realized after writing all this that it should be my bedroom because of all these piles and hairballs).  What is wrong with me?!

Lately I've been making excuses for myself.  I'm so busy with work, I'll tell myself.  Or, I'm just so dang tired, besides I went to the gym so at least I did something good for myself!  Or my personal favorite-- I've worked hard all day the last thing I need is to come home and do all this house junk!  House junk?  Who even talks like that anyway?!


Last weekend my most favorite realtor in the world and friend had free tickets to go see Dave Ramsey.  I have read about him on all the mom and christian blogs, my parents looooove him and ever since we moved up here from CA all I'd see at the churches we visited were his Financial Peace University advertisements.  I was skeptical, because what could this guy possibly have to say that I didn't know already or that would change the way I think.  My parents raised me with good financial values and dispositions towards generosity and giving, however I know this is an area for improvement in my life.  It is one I think of all the time actually.  So I thanked her for the tickets and we were on our way to see the financial guru of the century, Dave Ramsey.

I am now a die hard fan.  I want to read his book.  I won't enroll in his Financial Peace classes, however, I am a believer that he truly is honest about who he is and what he's trying to do.  We didn't stay for the whole thing.  But one thing stood out to me:

As Christians, we should aim for excellence in every area of our lives.

Every area?!  You saw my first paragraph.  I am a hot mess with laundry creeping up the walls to the ceiling.  This is not excellence.

I have fallen off the band wagon...  Time to get back on the horse.  Excellence, Rachel.  Not perfection.  Just excellence.  You are better than that hairball on the carpet. :)  Come on girl, you got this!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this post and can completely relate right now! And what a great reminder that I don't need to be perfect, but God does call me to excellence.

    I have heard great things about Dave Ramsey and have always wanted to take his Financial Peace class so I just might need to look into that


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